Welthee Ambassadors

Become a Freedom Officer

We support those who seek financial independence.
Become a Welthee ambassador to earn extra rewards.

Freedom Officer

Setting yourself up for success is the opportunity Welthee offers to all of our investors. For us you are a Freedom Officer, that courageous investor eager to fast-track their way to financial freedom. Here’s how to get started.

Make a Purchase

Any WELT token purchase of $50 or more counts


Tell your friends

Help 5 or more friends sigh up with your referral code and also become investors

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Sign a Contract

Join our official group of Welthee ambassadors

Earn more bonuses

based on how many investors you refer

Get the edge you need

with our powerful tools

Exclusive access

to a group of unique like-minded investors

Become a CFO

Here at Welthee, we don't just state a vision, we live by it. Chief Freedom Officer (CFO) is the title we give to all those courageous enough to join Welthee in our quest to change the world

Creating wealth for others

This is at the core of what we do and that is why we are implementing a structure that will empower Freedom Officers to grow their wealth and impact their communities.

Get 1 million tokens

Moreover, all Freedom Officers can ultimately become Chief Freedom Officers when they have a total of 1M WELT tokens.

Earn prizes

with every mile-stone you reach

Get $25,000

in bonuses along the way

Be a Millionaire

with 1M WELT tokens in your account

More Opportunities

Welthee ambassadors

Your Journey towards wealth

We support those who seek financial independence.
Become a Welthee ambassador to earn extra rewards.

Business Opportunities

Incentivize Your Employees

Welthee rewards all business owners
who want to fund a savings account for their employees or win clients' loyalty.

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